Fpipe(2) Oct. 1, 1991 Fpipe(2) NAME Fpipe - create a pipe SYNOPSIS LONG Fpipe( WORD usrh[2] ); DESCRIPTION Fpipe creates a pipe that may be used for interprocess com- munication. If it is successful, two GEMDOS handles are returned in usrh[0] and usrh[1]. usrh[0] will contain a han- dle for the read end of the pipe, (opened for reading only), and usrh[1] will contain a handle for the write end of the pipe (opened for writing only). The created pipe has the name "sys$pipe.xxx", where "xxx" is a three digit integer. USAGE Typically used by shells; the shell redirects its standard input (or standard output) to the read (or write) end of the pipe using Fdup and Fforce before launching a child; the child will then read from (or write to) the pipe by default. RETURNS 0 if successful ENHNDL if there are not 2 free handles to allocate for the pipe ENSMEM if there is not enough free memory to create the pipe EACCDN if too many pipes already exist in the system BUGS There cannot be more than 999 open pipes in the system at one time. Version 0.9 Last change: MiNT Programmer's Manual 1